Versatile Style by Tracey

Archive for February 2018

This holiday season hit me especially hard and that combined with my sister sending a psychic into my oldest son’s work with

messages, I spiraled into a crying mush for over 6 weeks!  

Be Strong Printable | Kids Prints Series Day 1 - The Girl Creative

While my sister’s messages for my son were incredible and letting him know she truly sees what is going on,

and reassuring him that he is on the right track with a new life decision, she told him to tell me to “BE STRONG”  

I resented the heck out of that, as I was always the strong one, always caring for her.  She joked all the time that 

I was more the big sister than she was and it was true. 

I was the one she relied on to counter her silly thoughts and keep her balanced. 

I was the one who stood up to her emotionally abusive husband, cause he actually tried to tell me his

twisted version of who my sister was, yeah right!  

I could write an entire blog on the ways I stood strong for my sister, but that is not the point. 

The point is that the BE STRONG message spiraled into a 6 week pity-party of being tired of being strong and allowing myself

for the first time in my life, to just not be strong….  

In the end, those 6 weeks and the “Be Strong” message were a fantastic gift and much needed for me to Soar Now!  

Hemp oil helps soothe your mind and body HempsVision's Classic Hemp Oil provides many health benefits to the body as well as the mind. The safe, all natural pain reliever can be better for you than common pain relievers, as it relieves pain without the scary side effects associated with medicines such as ibuprofen or aspirin.

A month before my funk I began taking CBD OIL and had amazing results of no more sinus

or migraine headaches, no more night sweats or hot flashes, improved sleep, and energy, 

more clear and focused brain.  I gave it to my son for anxiety and he was amazed!  

So, of course, I had to start a business to spread the word about this amazing


 Instead of me trying to explain to you all the benefits of CBD OIL

(derived from marijuana and hemp plants 

legal in all 50 states without the THC (the thing that makes you high) )

I am going to just ask you to please watch this video my brother found that explains whey 

CBD puts our bodies in a state of Homeostasis and how our bodies have been waiting for it!  

If you have any questions, please comment and let’s begin the conversation!  


I am grateful for finding a business that fills my soul and helps people 

 (my first contact was a daughter wanting it for her PTSD-Desert Storm Veteran Father )

I am grateful to be sleeping well and have no headaches especially with these crazy 30 degree swings in temperature! 

I am grateful to my brother who supports everything I do and for finding the above video! 

I am grateful for a great Monday spent with my hairstylists and will show my cut and color tomorrow

I am grateful that today I am going to lunch with a friend!  

I am grateful for MoviePass and the freedom to see a lot more movies for just $9.95 a month) 

I am grateful to MY DEAR READERS who take the time to read my blog!



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