Versatile Style by Tracey

Posts Tagged ‘50 Plus Fashion Blooger


I searched for a while for a shirt dress and was thinking

about an Old Navy Chambray version,  but ultimately my heartstrings

kept pulling me back to this Isaac Mizrahi version.

The Old Navy version didn’t have a belt and did not have buttons

all the way down the dress, as a true shirt dress should. 


After seeing this one, the chambray versions just couldn’t measure up!

This subtle floral print is better for my maximal style and

can stand alone without much help or need for accessories to

punch up the look.  For this time, I removed the matching belt

it came with and opted for a black one,

but Navy, Green, Yellow, Burgundy,  White, Cognac

Would also be good options for the future.

The beauty of a shirt dress is that it can also be worn as a Duster.

I love it here with the white, which is a perfect way for me to

fake Fall when we still have warm weather!

I look forward to styling it with tights and boots for winter

and keep imagining it with a black turtleneck and pants for a duster option.

I also love the roll-tab sleeves, for now, that can be worn as long sleeves for winter. 

Come back for Tomorrow’s Look is Pinterest Inspiration and I chose a Boho one,

as what’s better than greeting Hump Day with a long boho skirt.   


I am grateful that Fall is here and even if the weather isn’t cooperating,

that at least my son’s Bowling Season has started back up!  It is such a supportive and fun community! 

It was such fun to see my son bowl a 

Clean Game which means no pins were left standing!  

I am grateful that my son away at college called to say he is coming home for the weekend!

I am grateful that my children all get along and truly care deeply for each other.   

I am grateful for a fun shopping day with my daughter where we got started on Christmas Shopping!  

  1. Monday’s can be difficult, especially when you are trying to get yourself out of a funk.
  3. A  solid Determination is Key and that was how I began my day! 

I had trouble falling asleep last night ( my sleep has been off for a week), but I managed to sleep until 10am, resulting in a good night’s rest! 

Music is such a mood booster for me, so I began by turning on my sister’s Ipod, that girl had great taste in music!  

I got some work things done, then got ready to go get my nails done.

I had been hibernating and fighting off sinus issues ( thank goodness I succeeded and it never got bad) , 

and had neglected my nails since before Christmas!   

                                                                     The other Key to my self-care of the day was that to get to the salon, I walked, hence my Sketchers for a shoe choice.  

It was a beautiful day in the 60’s and a bit windy, hence my flat hair in this shot, lol. 

I am wearing an Amelia James Aurora dress/ tunic, it actually goes to my knee like a dress.

I really love it and think it is such a versatile piece because it is a sleeveless dress that

can be worn layered, making it a full four- season piece.  

I only have one more left in my stock, a size 2X if anyone is interested.  

It comes in solid shades and I hope to order a few of those soon.  

My sweater is also from my AJ line and I have it in sizes 

XS, M, L, XL and 3X, comment if you’d like one. 

They retail for $50 ,but I am selling them for $35 now.  


I am grateful that my son’s financial aid came through before the government shut down allowing him a peaceful weekend. 

I am grateful that I finally got my nails, done they were driving me nuts and I am sure my DH will be happy to stop hearing about it, lol 

I am grateful for a decent amount of sleep as last week it suddenly went haywire!  


I am grateful for my parents, as today a group I belong to posted how emotions were dealt with in family growing up and I was the only one

who commented in a positive way… You see my mother was so funny, she told us that when she said No, we could plead our case and sometimes she might

change her mind, but others she would remain firm, but would always explain her reason.  She had telling us No in a compassionate way down to perfection!  

I can’t imagine what losing my father at 13 would have been like if our emotions were something that was allowed! 

I was truly blessed to feel seen heard and valued as a child! 

So that begs the question my dear readers, how was your family regarding expressing emotions?  

And, if you get in a funk, what do you do to help get yourself out of it?  







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